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River Styx Book Club - Part 1

Statue of Hades and Kerberos at the Plutonium in Hierapolis (Pamukkale/Denizli, Türkiye).
Image credit:
Unma Desai via Unsplash.

You're invited to participate in a guided Hades book study with Jamie Waggoner, author of Hades: Myth, Magic and Modern Devotion. During a series of live Zoom sessions, Jamie will break her book down chapter-by-chapter, guiding you through the material and exercises, while also sharing behind-the-scenes insights from her personal praxis and experiences while writing the book.

During these sessions, breakout groups give you a chance to chat in small groups with other participants, and are offered alongside engaging participatory activities and plenty of Q&A time with Jamie. Participants will also be invited to join an optional Signal text thread to facilitate ongoing discussion and group comradery between meetings.

The River Styx Book Club is divided into two parts. Part 1 (January 8 to March 19) covers the first five chapters of Hades, and Part 2 (April 2 to June 11) covers the last five chapters. You can purchase a ticket for Part 1 or Part 2 separately, or save 20% by purchasing a combination ticket for both parts.

In Part 1, we'll cover Hades chapters 1-5. Live Zoom sessions are every other Wednesday, from 6pm to 8pm, central time. Sessions are recorded and participants will have access to download the recordings. Part 1 begins January 8, 2025. Here’s a brief overview of our curriculum:

January 8 - Introductions and Chapter One: The Unseen One

  • Who is Hades? His origins, realm, and responsibilities.

  • Symbols: Helm of Invisibility

  • Flora and fauna: Bay Laurel, Hellebore, and Black Ram

January 22 - Chapter Two: Host of Many

  • Mapping the Underworld of ancient Greek mythology

  • Symbols: Key to the Realm

  • Flora and fauna: Mint, White Poplar, and Hades’ Cattle Herd

February 5 - Chapter Three: Notorious

  • The Myth of Hades and Persephone – Hades as Consort

  • Symbols: Golden Chariot and Black Horses

  • Flora and fauna: Narcissus, Pomegranate, and Screech Owl

February 19 - Chapter Four: Good Counsel

  • The Myth of Orpheus and Eurydice – Hades as Counselor

  • Symbols: The Single Tear

  • Flora and fauna: Cypress, Dittany of Crete, and Bat

March 5 - Chapter Five: The Unbreakable

  • Hades the Unyielding – except when Herakles hits him with an arrow!

  • Symbols: The Bident

  • Flora and fauna: Aconite, Adamant, and Kerberos

March 19 - Closing Circle

  • Celebration, reflections, and next directions

  • Ways to stay connected

January 6

Traversing the Realms

February 22

Opelika Book Festival